Solutions for
Saw muzzles

Saw Muzzle™
US Patent 6,557,261

Without the Saw Muzzle

With the Saw Muzzle

With a Blade Roller

With a DeWalt Side Drive Saw

All Saw Muzzles: $59.95

The Saw Muzzle is made for heavy duty left hand blade, 7"-8" circular saws. In particular, the Saw Muzzle is made for the worm drive saws made by Skil, Bosch, Makita and Milwaukee. It is also made for the popular left hand blade saws made by DeWalt.

The Saw Muzzle is most efficient when making the deepest cuts. Like our other dust collectors, the operator will need a strong industrial grade shop vacuum. The Saw Muzzle is completely compatible with the Blade Roller™ ($59.95) and when used with this tool makes an excellent saw for scoring or cutting expansion joints in green or cured concrete.

Cutting Faux Grout Lines

The Saw Vac with a Blade Roller

7" Square Cut Grout Cutting Blade

The Saw Muzzle may also be used with a Blade Roller for cutting faux grout lines in decorative concrete stain patterns. To make faux grout lines in a stain pattern, use the Saw Muzzle and the Blade Roller™ with our specially made 7" x .250" diamond knockout grout cutting wheel (available for $136) and you will be able to make 1/4" grout lines in stain patterns in one pass. Simply run the axles of the Blade Roller along the edge of a piece of "L" bar and you will have faux grout lines as straight as a die and at a uniform depth.

Saw Muzzle GP™
US Patent 6,748,660

The Saw Muzzle GP on a Stihl™ Saw

The Saw Muzzle GP on a Partner™ Saw

The Saw Muzzle GP on a Makita™ Saw

Saw Muzzle GP: $159.95

The Saw Muzzle GP (Gas-Powered) is one of our newest point of origin dust collectors. It will work with the 12"-14" Gas-Powered cutoff saws made by Stihl, Partner, Husky, Target, Makita and many others. It is made of high impact fiber filled ABS plastic and when used with an industrial shop vacuum it can remove over 95% of the dust made when cutting concrete.

The Saw Muzzle GP uses it's unique design to funnel the concrete dust into a collection chamber that is sealed by two horse-hair brushes. A third anti-friction brush is mounted on the bottom of the collection chamber to keep the chamber from tripping over rough spots on the concrete. Using a longer arbor bolt which is provided, the Saw Muzzle GP uses a specially designed bearing carrier to attach it to the saw. The Saw Muzzle will swing freely and self adjust for any depth of cut.

With the Saw Muzzle GP, the worker may now pull his saw, which is the ergonomically correct way to use it. Do not allow the saw to run forward or the dust will escape through the just cut slot in the concrete.

If a straight line is needed, the worker may offset his chalk line by the width of the Saw Muzzle collection chamber and use the Saw Muzzle as a guide.

The depth of cut with a Saw Muzzle GP is approximately 3 1/2 inches with a 14" blade. To achieve maximum depth of cut, the worker may simply remove the blade and cut a small notch on the rear of the blade guard. This will allow the blade guard to be rotated further backwards, exposing more of the blade in the front of the saw and allowing the worker to make the full 5 inch dept of cut that is normal with a 14" blade.

To work well, the Saw Muzzle GP needs a strong industrial grade shop vacuum. We distribute a very high quality wet-or-dry vacuum ($199 plus freight) that has a triple filtration system and 76" of water lift. This vacuum is more than enough to handle the large amounts of dust generated by the gas-powered saws.



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